Summer is one of the best times to travel. Whether you head to a family cottage, off on a road trip, or overseas, it can be exhilarating to take time off with those you love and explore places new and old. These journeys aren’t without obstacles however, and one of the biggest struggles is to stay healthy while on the go. Take a look at our top tips to keep good habits while you journey around the globe!

Water Bottle

When it comes to being healthy, whether you’re traveling or staying at home, the first step is to hydrate! Our bodies often mistake dehydration for hunger, causing us to snack more. Coupled with this, dehydration makes our energy levels dip, making us less physically active as well. We recommend bringing a reusable water bottle with you everywhere you go, so you can fill up whenever you need without spending big bucks on water bottles!

Remember: Soda, alcohol, and juice do not replace water!

Pre-made healthy meal

Another great way to have a successful, healthy trip is to plan your meals out ahead of
time! Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean your meal prep should be too. First, research some grocery stores local to your accommodations. This step will enable you to go shopping for quick meals and healthy snacks when needed. While you’re at it, find some local restaurants that meet your dietary restrictions as well. It’s easier to eat healthy when you have a plan!

Riceworks Bags

When it comes to prepping your vacation snacks, there is no such thing as overpacking. In fact, we recommend you bring a myriad of different snack options to enjoy while you’re on the road. Snacking often helps you to control your hunger so you’re not making unhealthy food choices later on out of desperation. Equally, by bringing your own snacks, you get to be in control of what you eat, allowing there to be healthier options. We recommend packing a lot of non-perishable, healthy snacks on each vacation. It’s also a great way to observe any dietary restrictions you may have, whether you are celiac, dairy-free or anything else, you can be prepared!

Our favorite snack to bring on vacation is our Riceworks Crisps gourmet rice snacks. Not only are they filling and delicious, but they are gluten-free, celiac-friendly, and have 0 grams of trans fat. Talk about a good-for-you snack! You can get them on Amazon, or at a store near you.

What are some tips you have for eating healthy on vacation? Tell us in the comments below.

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